A winner for both calories and nutrition. This recipe is a simple winter vegetable casserole with my favorite ingredient – sweet potato.
- 2 onions (cut each into 6 wedges)
- 3 carrots (cut into chunky pieces)
- 3 celery sticks (again – chunky pieces)
- 400 g sweet potato (cut into chunks as above)
- 1 litre vegetable stock
- 2 garlic cloves (chopped)
- 3 leeks (sliced)
- 400g tin chick peas
- 400g tin haricot or kidney beans
- 2 tsp oregano (or a different herb of your choice)
- salt and pepper
1. Add everything to a pan and bring to the boil on the stove
2. Cover and put in the oven on 180 dec C for an hour
Serve with crusty bread…nice 🙂
Tip: Top with cheese if you’re not worried about the calories!
image courtesy of  http://www.freedigitalphotos.net/
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